Our principles

We, the Green Hydrogen Organisation (GH2), bring together government, industry and civil society to enable the rapid uptake of green hydrogen globally. The GH2 Board has agreed the following principles: 
  1. We believe that the global challenges of sustainable economic development, poverty reduction, social justice and climate change are interconnected. They demand bold action by government, industry and civil society to open up new pathways for sustainable development.  
  2. Addressing climate change requires transformational amounts of green hydrogen. We will demonstrate that green hydrogen produced with renewable energy can decarbonise large sectors of the global economy, improve energy systems and be cost effective. We will ensure that green hydrogen is better understood and supported. 

  3. We believe that green hydrogen should be prioritized and differentiated from all forms of fossil fuel-derived hydrogen. Global energy markets are distorted by direct and indirect fossil fuel subsidies, and under-priced greenhouse gas emissions. Energy sector policies that promote fossil fuel-derived hydrogen reinforce these distortions and inhibit the uptake of more sustainable long-term solutions. 

  4. In seeking solutions, we believe that all stakeholders have important and relevant contributions to make. Governments, industry, consumers, public and private financial institutions, international and non-governmental organisations all have a role to play. We will work to promote greater public understanding of green hydrogen’s potential and will contribute to open, public debate, in collaboration with civil society and community representatives where green hydrogen is produced or consumed. 

  5. We call on governments to develop dedicated green hydrogen strategies, including specific commitments to mobilize additional investment along the green hydrogen value chain, and to support the elaboration of the Green Hydrogen Standard which will result in greater confidence and investment in green hydrogen.  

  6. We will oversee the development of the Green Hydrogen Standard which will encompass rigorous carbon emissions accounting as well as the wider environmental, social, governance (ESG) and development impacts of green hydrogen. We support global efforts to protect human rights, advance gender equality, and address conflict and instability, and support the principle of free, prior and informed consent. 

  7. We will support cutting edge research and development to accelerate the key innovations that will increase the scale, efficiency and lower the costs of green hydrogen. 

  8. We will work together to ensure green hydrogen supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), including ensuring access to safe, affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy, and leveraging investments to promote economic and employment opportunities.  

  9. We believe that shared prosperity is underpinned by open, competitive markets. We recognize that expansion of green hydrogen markets, and trade between those markets, must be set in the context of respect for contracts and laws. 

  10. In realizing green hydrogen’s potential, we are committed to safeguard the sustainable management of water resources. We are committed to recognizing and resolving disputes that result from opposing interests of water users, public or private. 

  11. We believe in the principle and practice of accountability by government and industry to all citizens for the stewardship of natural resources. We will report on our activities and progress, and uphold the highest standards of transparency, accountability and good governance.